• Interview: Dana Bjarner

    Interview: Dana Bjarner

    Dana Bjarner is a photographer and activist. She creates content for different brands. She's an ambassador for Keiko Conservation and leads her own conservation and sustainability project called Proyecto Sucre that works with coastal communities of Ecuador.

    "We are alive thanks to nature, every breath we take is thanks to her, so due to our inherently connection with what surround us, I believe that my work and my lifestyle will always be closely linked to conservation".

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  • Interview: La Molina Clay

    Interview: La Molina Clay
    Day after day, María José "La Molina" works at her home - studio in the city of Cuenca, creating her own ceramic paste, teaching pottery and working on her own art. “It hasn’t been easy since I am back in Ecuador but I worked my way through it”.
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